And it seems therefore as if these celestial bodies, which are thus externally connected with each other, would continue to be what they are, even apart from this reciprocal relation. 因此看起来就好像这彼此处于外在关系的星球,即是脱离了它们之间的这种相互关系,也可以保持它们的原状似的。
Connected parties My Tentative View on the Cots and the Related Draw Accessories in Relation to Spinning Quality 浅析胶辊及相关牵伸器材与成纱质量的关系
The study on factors effecting the evaporation of soil shows that the relative moisture, vapor pressure difference and radiation are major factors. They always connected water with their attitude. Study on the Relation between Specific Yield and Saturation Deficiency 同时,对影响土壤蒸发的外界因素进行了分析。结果显示,气象因素中相对湿度、饱和水气压差和辐射同土壤蒸发有着密切的关系,在P
In mechanic vibration system, the elastic forces can be considered only connected with the deformations of elastic elements and the damping force only has the relation with the velocity of damping elements. 在工程实践中,弹簧的弹性力可认为只与该元件的变形有关,阻尼元件的阻尼力只与该阻尼元件的相对速度有关。
The dissertation will set up the database by tree type. Every module is an embranchment, and connected by relation. 本论文以树型结构来建立明式家具数据库,把每一模块的研究内容作为数据库的一个分支,通过关系连接所有的模块。
Inside fire pipes and indoor fire hydrant or firefly are connected by fire department connection that is a sort of connection equipment, whether the fire hydrant systems or the sprinkler systems, the relationship between fire department connection and outside fire hydrant is described 1:1 quantity relation. 水泵接合器是连接室内消防管网与室外消火栓或消防车的连通器,无论是消火栓系统还是自动喷水灭火系统,水泵接合器与室外消火栓的数量关系是一一对应的关系。
As a capital was formed connected with the scientific and technological value, it realize the value added with unique scientific and technical result and skilled personnel and influenced the interpersonal relation deeply. 与科技价值相联形成了一种资本的新形态&科技资本,它以独占的科技成果和科技人才实现价值的增值,并深刻影响着人与人之间的关系。
Their special type of formation is probably connected with the localization of their occurrence and particularly in relation with the characteristics of development of the fleshy fruit. 此种特殊现象是与其特异的、复合的形成方式相连系的,而该种形成方式又是和肉质果实的发育特点有关的。
These new data have important significance for further research on the tectonic formwork in the east segment of the north Qilian orogenic belt, its tectonic evolution, and the connected relation of North Qilian and North Qinling orogenic belt. 这一新资料,对进一步研究北祁连造山带东段大地构造格局、构造演化以及北秦岭&北祁连衔接关系具有重要意义。
Meanwhile, the neuron is connected according to semantic relation between the concept, which is very good to solve the difficult problems that the fuzzy on semantic and the differentiation of morphology. 它语义神经网络以概念之间的语义关系为依托,这又能很好地解决汉语语义上的模糊性和词性划分上的困难问题。
The registered fee has used in our country for many years, however its nature not only connected with the relation of hospital and patients but also decided the model of medical service. 在我国医疗单位使用多年的挂号费,其法律属性直接关系到医患之间的关系和医疗服务的性质。
When men and women are connected by marriage, what come into being are the rights and obligations between them, that is, personal relation and property relation. 男女两性基于婚姻成为配偶,随之产生了夫妻双方的权利义务关系,即人身关系和财产关系。
China and Korean scenery is connected, is as close as lips and teeth, as a result of the geography relations, as early as in the ancient times time, China and Korea gradually has established the relation. 中朝两国山水相连,唇齿相依。由于地缘关系,早在远古时期,中国与朝鲜就逐渐建立了联系。
From the research, it knows that customer value creation enterprise capability is a capability system consisted of various elements connected with some relation. 研究得知:基于铁路货运客户价值创造的企业能力是一个由多种要素按照一定关系相互连接而组成的一个能力系统。
With the growing increase of installed capacity of wind farm connected into grid, the relation between wind power system and grid has become closer, and the influence brought about can not be ignored any more. 随着电网中风电场装机容量的增加,风力发电系统与电网的关系越来越密切,风力发电系统对电网的影响已经不能忽略。